Java code for generating your text into QR code

Do the following steps to achieve, 1) Create a new java project using any IDE( Notepad, Eclipse, Netbeans, Visual Studio Code, etc,.. )  2) Next, use the most powerful weapon of developers with the following code. 3) Add the following jar files to your application...

Three color sort

Given a linear integer array (which has only 0s, 1s, 2s) in unsorted fashion, you need to sort that array with very minimal swaps and visit to the node. public class Answer implements ThreeColorSortInterface { @Override public void PerformThreeColorSort(ColorArray colArray) ...

Swap every two nodes in a single linked list

Write code to swap every two nodes in a single linked list. Example: Input: 2 -> 3 -> 31 -> 21 -> 5 Output: 3 -> 2 -> 21 -> 31 -> 5 public class Answer implements SwapEveryTwoNodesInLinkedListInterface{ @Override public Node SwapEveryTwoNodesInLinkedList(Node...

Base2 number system conversion

Given a number, you need to return a string which has the base 2 representation. Dont use any built-in methods to convert public class Answer implements Base2SystemInterface { @Override public String GetBase2System(int num) { // WRITE YOUR CODE HERE return ; } public...

Reverse words in a line

Given a string reverse the words in that line. public class Answer implements ReverseStringInLineInterface { @Override public String PerformReverseStringInLine(String str) { // WRITE YOUR CODE HERE return ; } public static void main(String [] args) { // write code...

Next immediate greatest number which has all the digits

Given a integer, find the next immediate greatest number which has all the digits in the given number public class Answer implements NextLargeNumberInterface { @Override public int GetNextLargeNumber(int num) { // WRITE YOUR CODE HERE return ; } public static void main(String [] args) { // write code here to test } } Example1: Input:...

Run length encoding of a string

Given a string, you need to count the consecutive characters and show the count in the string for each character. If there is only one character, you dont need to show the count. public class Answer implements RunLengthEncodingInterface { @Override public String DoRunLengthEncoding(String str) { // WRITE YOUR CODE HERE return ; } public...