Find if there are three elements in BST that sums up to zero

Given a binary tree, check if there are three elements in binary tree which will sum up to zero. Return true if triplet exists, if not return false. For example: 4 2 6 -5 3 In this binary tree, {-5, 2, 3} sum up to zero and you should return true. 0 -1 1 In this binary tree, {-1, 1, 0} sum up to zero and you should return true 1 -1 2 In this binary tree, there doesn't exist a triplet that sum to zero and the result should be false. Your should implement the following interface, public interface TripletSummingToZeroInterface { public boolean doesTripletSumToZero(Node root); } (No need to submit this, just for reference) public class Node { public int nodeValue; public Node lChild; public Node rChild; }


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